Arriving in Canada at the end of February 2020, I started at Kira Systems, in their Toronto office on March 2nd. By the end of the next week, I would be working remotely and that continues to this day.
Starting at Kira, I was working in a newly formed team with initially just two members. Myself and my manager. This team would be working on a new API product which would be written in Golang instead of the Clojure stack that permeated the rest of the company. This was my first foray into Golang and so it took me a bit to get up to speed but once we did we made fast progress on the product.
I also learned a significant amount here about devops as we had to build out our Github Actions from scratch.
The product ultimately never made it to market under the Kira umbrella, because Kira was acquired by Litera and our team was spun out to form Zuva Inc.